Friday, September 16, 2016

Floral Angel Channels: "Florence", a Flower Deva

I (Heather) channel messages from the Angelic Kingdom.  This place exist just beside you (or perhaps you too have the ability to be living in it! - We all do with practice and patience.) I likens it to stepping into color or seeing vibrancy super imposed over our sighted world. The Angels exist on Earth & throughout the Universe.  They are a high vibrational energetic frequency that give us their assistance when asked.  All is energy - even you, Light Keeper! What energy do you chose to be?  The following is some from the Angels ~

This is a message from the Flower Devas - the Spirit Beings of the Flower Kingdom.  

A leader steps forward enrobed in white and violet light petals.  This Energy has given themselves the name of "Florence".  

A ray of violet light from this Deva's third eye to yours communicates: You are being given the message repeatedly to "Awake Dear One".  It may be coming through as repeated experiences, dreams, in relationships, in your outer environment, or in your own unique way to be decoded by you.  This message of "Awake Dear One" is so you will experience the sweetness of yourself in this World.  When you choose awakening you embody the vibrational codes and message that proclaim the Light of Change not only for yourselves but this Magical World we call Gaia and you call Home - Earth. You are here to learn, to heal, to ultimately share your Light, and should you so chose - to shine your Light upon others so that they too can Awaken to Heaven on Earth.  It is here now, Sweet One. You can experience this awakened state now, Sweet One.  Welcome Home Sweet One.  

Note: Florence is Latin for "Blossoming".

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Visit to learn more about private, certified Flower Essence Sessions in person or via Skype or phone with Heather Lindsay BFRP & MAc.    

A flower who loves flowers, Heather Lindsay is certified as a Bach Foundation Registered Practitioner.  She is also a Master Instructor of Integrated Energy Therapy®, a beautiful Angelic Healing Touch system that when received and learned is a life altering experience. Heather teaches certification class in IET® in sunny Daytona Beach, Florida and surrounding areas.  She will travel for interested groups.  You can also receive private Bach Flower Essences and IET® sessions with her in person and via Skype or phone. 

Also, trained as an Acupuncturist, Heather incorporates her knowledge of Chinese Medicine throughout all services in her wellness practice, Natures Of Light Healing Arts.

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